Diploma in Fine Arts in Cassino FR Italy
Degree in Fine Arts with First Class Honors in Aquila Italy 1980 – Reconstruction of the Universe of Balla and Depero Marinetti’s soul ,The Moon
Design and realization of Futurist costumes
For the “Gran Serata Futurista”of Fabio Mauri Roma – Milano Italy

Fabio Mauri was also my friend ,it’s a pity he has left us

1981 – Exhibition among the trees – Rivisondoli AQ Italy
1982 – Ten artists on canvas - Castle of L’Aquila Italy on music written for the occasion by Antonello Neri

1986 –Bari Expo Italy

1987 – “Alternative Attuali” L’Aquila Italy, edited by Enrico Crispolti

1987-My work is permanently present in the Muspac Museo Sperimentale d’Arte Contemporanea L’Aquila
1988 – Project for the poster of the Live Crib of Rivisondoli AQ Italy
In the ninety’s I have had several personal art exhibitions in England (Christchurch – Bournemouth – Isle Of Wight)

2002 – Between the sun and the moon – Art exhibition edited by Gabriele Di Pietro in Montone TE Italy

2003 – Personal Retrospective Art Exhibition in Sulmona (AQ) Italy ex Monastery

2003 – Milan Mediolanum Channel ( Satellite TV) Italy Documentary of my artistic life and my work.
2004 – Au Bord De La Pensè – Art exhibition in Bruxelles edited by Le Camaleon in the exhibition Parcour d’Artist
2004 – My works of art are present in the Art Gallery Artichaud of Bruxelles
2005 – “Artcard” Sharjah Art Museum United Arab Emirates
2005 – Between the Sun and the Moon Art Exhibition in Montone (TE) Italy Edited by Gabriele Di Pietro with Fabio Mauri and Hidetoshi Nagasawa

2005 – “All in a bubble” Personal art exhibition in the rooms of the Fortress of Civitella del Tronto (TE) Italy Edited by Pierluigi Terio

2006 – Money Kills Personal art exhibition in the Fortress of Civitella del Tronto (TE) Italy Edited by Pierluigi Terio

2007 – Mural for Aremogna Roccaraso Aq Italy

2007 – “Trasalimenti” Castellarte in Montepagano (TE) Italy edited by Gabriele Di Pietro
2008 – “Sulla stessa barca” Sound Art Show – Centro Comunale D’arte – Borgo S.Elia – Cagliari Italy Curated by Mauro Cossu
2008 – My works of art are present in the Art Gallery “Arte Essenza” of Ancona Italy

 2008 - “ 3° Sardegna Arte Fiera “ Ex Carceri Castadias CA Italy Curated by Mauro Cossu and Francesca Sassu
2008- I have supplied my artwork for a documentary which explores themes of self in a postmodern world “Sources of Self : A cross disciplinary investigation” A directed studies project from the Faculty of Communications at Simon Fraser University – Canada-Created and directed by Ashley Hunking and Stephen Chamberlain
2008- My work will be found in “Collezione Artisti Riuniti per Rosso Malpelo” Associazione Culturale Altom@rte Sperlinga (Enna) Italy
2008- to“Pippa Bacca a Bride to Peace”organized by the UNESCO,A.I.A.P,UPSD,Sisli Municipality,Piramid Art Center and Italian Cultural Center . Istanbul Turkey Curated by Bedri Baycam
2008 – “The Last Book” edited by Luis Camnitzer in the National Library of Argentina
2009 – Fiberart for a cause – Collage Mania-edited by Virginia A.Spiegel
2009- Hungry for Love – D'Annunzio's House – Pescara Italy
2009 – Grandmother Waits For You – Emabassy Gallery -Edinburgh UK-Hosted inside the Embassy Tower at the Roxy Art House
2009-Travel Stories-Altered Esthetics –Minneapolis USA
2010- “The Last Book” -10 March/31 July -edited by Luis Camnitzer in the Zentral Bibliothek de Zurich Switzerland
2010 –“Hungry for Love” International Art Show- Museo d’Arte Moderna Vittoria Colonna-Pescara-Italy edited by Antonio Zimarino
2010- “Biennale Premio Maga Circe”In San Felice Circeo Italy with Mimmo Paladino
2010- Trasalimenti in “Festival degli Elementi Terra”Rocca Calascio AQ Italy Edited by Gabriele Di Pietro with Ilija Soskic
2010- “The Foster Collective” in Chicago USA
2010 –2° Edition Chaimandir Per L’Arte edited by Bruno Diognardi in Imola BO Italy

 2010 –“Rejection” Northeastern Illinois University Fine Arts Center in Chicago USA

2010 – “ATC Exhibition” Richmond Art Gallery Richmond Canada
2011 – “The Last Book” Aguilar Branch of the New York Public Library USA edited by Luis Camnitzer

2011 – Rosso Malpelo Liberiamo I Bambini dalla Schiavitù in the Museo della Civiltà of Sperlinga EN Italy edited by Filippo Altomarte sponsorship of the Council of Sperlinga and the collaboration of the House of Art La Fenice
2012-“The Last Book” edited by Luis Camnitzer in the State Library and University of Hamburg Germany
2012-“Trasalimenti” a Roccacalascio AQ Italy with Ugo Dossi,Licia Galizia, Claudio Parmiggiani, Res Ingold, Pavel Schmidt, Hidetoshi Nagasawa ,Gianruggero Manzoni,Paul Wiedmer, ecc. Edited by Gabriele Di Pietro
2013 - “Trasalimenti” a Roccacalascio AQ Italy with Ugo Dossi,Licia Galizia, , Res Ingold, Pavel Schmidt, Hidetoshi Nagasawa ,Gianruggero Manzoni,Paul Wiedmer, Ilija Soskic ,ecc. Edited by Gabriele Di Pietro
2013 – “Memory” in the Richmond Gallery - Richmond Canada
2013- Contemporary Art Museum of Rivisondoli AQ Italy
2014 - “Paesaggi Intrecciati” in the Rotonda of S.Francesco Sulmona AQ Italy with the artist Fusun Akbaygil

2014 - “Per la Maiella” Sulmona AQ Italy
2014 - “Abruzzo Contemporanea”in the Civic Museum of Rivisondoli AQ Italy edited by Pierluigi Terio
2015 - “Generazioni a Confronto” in -Palace Sforza Cesarini- Genzano Rome Italy edited by Giorgio Di Genova
2015 - “Percorsi d’Arte in Italia” in Mitreo Iside Rome Italy edited by Giorgio Di Genova
2015 - “ Entwined Landscapes” in the Civic Museum of Rivisondoli AQ Italy edited by Pierluigi Terio
2016 - “ CArte di viaggio”in the Council Library of Sant’Oreste Rome Italy
2016 - Works in Galleria Vittoria-Via Margutta-Rome Italy

2016 - “Cani e Gatti d’Artista “ in the Gardens of Versilia Italy edited by Ludovico Gierut

2017 - “Mostra Decennale” in Mitreo Iside Contemporary Art Museum Rome Italy

2017 - “II Mostra Internazionale Itinerante di MailArt” Centrum Latinitastis Europae - Aretè- Siracusa Italy

2017 - “Maidstone International Art Festival” Museum of Maidstone Kent England - edited by Marcela Iriarte , Art Ambassador Kirill Burlov , Ravinder Kalsi

2017 - “ Iglesias de Los Angeles” 500 angeli & artisti - Edited by Daniele Crippa - El Milagro - Argentina

2018 - “Internet Paintings” workshop with Miltos Manetas MAXXI Rome Italy

2018 - Side _show Internet paintings edited by Miltos Manetas MAXXI Rome Italy

2018 - “Sant’Agostino Arte Contemporanea” di Siracusa. (SAC)

2018 - I Prize Ferruccio Lamborghini - Museum Palazzo La Loggia - Motta Di Livenza TV Italy

2018-2019 - Solo exhibition “ Plastic Aliens” edited by Pierluigi Terio and Pasquale Del Cimmuto - Museum of Rivisondoli AQ Italy

2018 - Reportage RAI 3 Italy on solo exhibition “PlasticAliens” edited by Pierluigi Terio and Pasquale del Cimmuto - Museum Rivisondoli AQ Italy

2019 -5th Biennal Mini Masterpieces Freeport Art Museum Freeport Illinois USA

2019 - Performance in Momento01_before the War edited by Miltos Manetas supported by Climate Reality - Diem Voice - Italian Climate Network - Forum terzo settore - Sabinarti and the municipalities of Montenero Sabino Italy - Mompeo Italy - Casaprota Italy organized by hearth.cloud

2019 - THE VENICE VENDING MACHINE 9 "MERCATUS LIBER - FREE MARKET” Hamilton House Bristol UK Edited by Marina Moreno

2019 - Angeli & Artisti- Museo di Santa Maria alla Scala - Siena Italy - edited by Fondazione del Museo del Parco and inquadrArt

2020 - Environmental Crisis: Gerald Moore Gallery, London England Art and Science Exhibition 2020

2021 - Vittorio Sgarbi I° Prize with Collective Exhibition Fiera Ferrara edited by Vittorio Sgarbi

2022 - La Casa degli Angeli - Porto Antico Museum in Porta Siberia Genova - edited by Daniele Crippa

2023 - Solo Exhibition edited by Giulia Terio - TAKAHASHI Pop Up Gallery - Tokyo

2024- Finalist of The Dalí’s Impressionism Art Contest Online Exhibit edited by Joy Garrett In conjunction with the special exhibition, Dalí & the Impressionists: Monet, Renoir, Degas & More in the The Dalí Dome